Complimentary Installation Hardware Kits
Most aftermarket wheels require the use of new, wheel-specific hardware. The difference may be something as critical as the lug’s seat shape, diameter or thread size that determines which one will work safely with the new wheels. So, to make it easy to install wheels on your vehicle, Velox sends a One-Time Complimentary Installation Hardware Kit with Costco wheel orders of 4 or more wheels. This installation hardware kit includes the required lug nuts/bolts for your vehicle and is located in one of the four wheel boxes shipped to you.
Can't find your installation hardware kit? Make sure to check the other wheel boxes; the installation hardware kit is located in only one of the four wheel boxes.

It is critical you use only the new hardware we provide with your Velox wheels. It is also recommended you purchase from your local auto parts store adaptor sockets. Consult with your local auto parts professional and test-fit sockets with the lug nuts/bolts for the appropriate socket application.
Please retain the set of your original lug nuts/bolts in your glove box or trunk in case you need them to mount your spare wheel and tire in an emergency.
Velox recommends all installations be performed by skilled installation professionals with the proper tools to install the wheels. If performing wheel removal, it is recommended to use a 19 mm thin wall Teflon coated socket.